TB-Profiler result

Run: SRR13837962


Run ID: SRR13837962

Sample name:

Date: 03-04-2023 09:23:06

Number of reads: 1477169

Percentage reads mapped: 98.54

Strain: lineage4.9

Drug-resistance: Sensitive

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Drug resistance: This table reports drug-resistance associated mutations found in known resistance genes
Drug Resistance Supporting mutations
Lineage Table: The lineage is inferred by analysing lineage specific SNPs
Lineage Family Main Spoligotype RDs Frequency
lineage4 Euro-American LAM;T;S;X;H None 1.0
lineage4.9 Euro-American (H37Rv-like) T1 None 1.0
Drug resistance-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction Drugs
Non-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have not been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction
gyrB 5532 c.295dupG frameshift_variant 1.0
gyrB 5832 p.Ala198Gly missense_variant 0.98
gyrA 6976 c.-326A>G upstream_gene_variant 1.0
ccsA 619735 c.-156G>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
ccsA 620100 c.210G>T synonymous_variant 0.97
rpoB 759609 c.-198C>A upstream_gene_variant 1.0
rpoC 763050 c.-320C>T upstream_gene_variant 1.0
mmpL5 776796 p.Val562Ala missense_variant 0.98
mmpS5 778642 p.Trp88* stop_gained 1.0
Rv1258c 1407009 p.Ala111Asp missense_variant 1.0
inhA 1674891 p.Trp230Cys missense_variant 1.0
tlyA 1918625 p.Pro229Leu missense_variant 1.0
Rv1979c 2222721 c.444G>C synonymous_variant 1.0
ahpC 2726345 p.Phe51Leu missense_variant 1.0
Rv2752c 3067095 c.-904G>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
Rv3083 3448912 p.Ile137Phe missense_variant 1.0
fprA 3474133 p.Pro43Thr missense_variant 0.98
whiB7 3568676 p.Ser2Ala missense_variant 1.0
alr 3840783 c.637_638insT frameshift_variant 1.0
clpC1 4038326 p.Glu793Asp missense_variant 0.98
embC 4241026 c.1164C>G synonymous_variant 0.96
embA 4242250 c.-983C>G upstream_gene_variant 1.0
embB 4247398 c.885G>T synonymous_variant 0.96
embB 4249328 p.Met939Leu missense_variant 1.0
aftB 4267490 c.1347G>C synonymous_variant 1.0
ethA 4326203 p.Ser424* stop_gained 1.0