EBG00000313339 - n.-21A>G

Drug resistance types
0 Sensitive 0 RR-TB 0 HR-TB 43 MDR-TB 1 Pre-XDR-TB 2 XDR-TB 0 Other
lineage Counts
lineage Count
lineage4.3.3 41
lineage2.2.1 5
spoligotype Counts
spoligotype Count
None 46
Geographic prevalence
Country level data for this variant is available for 0 isolates.
Statisctical support
Not enough data to calculate support.
ID Drug resistance Lineage Country iso2
ERR12118047 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
SRR3732685 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4812596 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4812897 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4812902 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
SRR7517814 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4813002 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4812849 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4812925 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4812143 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR12117948 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4813347 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR3287430 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4813560 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
SRR5341312 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR4797408 XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 in
ERR13261570 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
SRR29081629 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4797406 XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 in
ERR4812581 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4972480 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4812992 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR12117923 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4813070 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
SRR28394021 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR2516387 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 be
ERR4813600 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
SRR16915704 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR775326 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR1213902 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR751468 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR3287612 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR3287569 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4812516 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
SRR22461624 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
SRR17657958 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR3132147 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR2510136 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4972481 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR12117912 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4813091 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe
ERR4812829 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR4813612 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
ERR12117941 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 None
SRR13180434 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR4812946 MDR-TB lineage4.3.3 pe