Rv1644 - c.-71C>A

Drug resistance types
10 Sensitive 0 RR-TB 0 HR-TB 2 MDR-TB 0 Pre-XDR-TB 0 XDR-TB 0 Other
lineage Counts
lineage Count
lineage6.3.1 12
spoligotype Counts
spoligotype Count
None 12
Geographic prevalence
Country level data for this variant is available for 0 isolates.
Statisctical support
Not enough data to calculate support.
ID Drug resistance Lineage Country iso2
ERR9787050 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR9787269 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR2516338 MDR-TB lineage6.3.1 None
ERR1023287 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR3804042 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR9787101 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR7764425 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR3799595 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR9787154 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR3806601 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR3803984 Sensitive lineage6.3.1 None
ERR2516316 MDR-TB lineage6.3.1 be