Rv3854c - c.1242dupT

Drug resistance types
0 Sensitive 0 RR-TB 0 HR-TB 8 MDR-TB 11 Pre-XDR-TB 1 XDR-TB 0 Other
lineage Counts
lineage Count
lineage4.1.1.3 2
lineage2.2.2 1
lineage2.2.1 16
lineage4.1.2.1 1
spoligotype Counts
spoligotype Count
None 20
Geographic prevalence
Country level data for this variant is available for 0 isolates.
Statisctical support
Not enough data to calculate support.
ID Drug resistance Lineage Country iso2
ERR4798022 Pre-XDR-TB lineage4.1.1.3 in
SRR29385372 XDR-TB lineage2.2.2 None
ERR5865259 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR5865201 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR13284534 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR2516352 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 be
ERR11773827 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR3639767 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
SRR6824447 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 cn
ERR5865256 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR4797338 Pre-XDR-TB lineage4.1.1.3 in
SRR6914123 Pre-XDR-TB lineage4.1.2.1 None
ERR553292 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR553268 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR5865258 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR133945 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 ru
SRR8366173 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR1768641 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR5865257 Pre-XDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR5865202 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None