TB-Profiler result

Run: ERR4235026


Run ID: ERR4235026

Sample name:

Date: 01-04-2023 05:37:15

Number of reads: 45448331

Percentage reads mapped: 97.49

Strain: lineage4.9

Drug-resistance: Other

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Drug resistance: This table reports drug-resistance associated mutations found in known resistance genes
Drug Resistance Supporting mutations
Lineage Table: The lineage is inferred by analysing lineage specific SNPs
Lineage Family Main Spoligotype RDs Frequency
lineage4 Euro-American LAM;T;S;X;H None 1.0
lineage4.9 Euro-American (H37Rv-like) T1 None 1.0
Drug resistance-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction Drugs
pncA 2289006 p.Ala79Gly missense_variant 1.0 pyrazinamide
Non-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have not been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction
gyrB 5195 c.-45C>G upstream_gene_variant 1.0
gyrB 5764 c.525C>A synonymous_variant 0.16
gyrB 5766 p.Asp176Val missense_variant 0.76
gyrB 6066 p.Val276Gly missense_variant 1.0
gyrB 6073 p.Phe278Leu missense_variant 0.89
gyrA 7704 p.Thr135Ser missense_variant 1.0
fgd1 491782 p.Arg334Gly missense_variant 1.0
ccsA 620455 p.Ala189Pro missense_variant 1.0
rpoB 761652 p.Glu616Lys missense_variant 0.14
rpoB 761655 p.Ala617Ser missense_variant 0.83
rpoC 765246 p.Val626Asp missense_variant 0.18
mmpL5 778212 p.Ala90Gly missense_variant 0.83
fbiC 1305078 c.2148A>C synonymous_variant 1.0
rrs 1472643 n.798A>C non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 1.0
rrs 1472926 n.1081T>A non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.22
rrs 1472978 n.1133T>C non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 1.0
rrs 1472999 n.1154C>G non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.5
rrl 1474542 n.885A>C non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 1.0
rrl 1476264 n.2607A>G non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.75
rrl 1476704 n.3047G>T non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.99
rrl 1476709 n.3052C>G non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.98
fabG1 1673359 c.-81T>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
inhA 1674373 p.Ala58Ser missense_variant 0.98
rpsA 1833600 p.Glu20Gly missense_variant 1.0
PPE35 2167958 p.Pro885Thr missense_variant 0.25
PPE35 2168302 p.Thr771Ser missense_variant 0.23
PPE35 2169586 p.Asn343Asp missense_variant 1.0
pncA 2289160 p.Ala28Pro missense_variant 1.0
eis 2714503 p.His277Arg missense_variant 1.0
ahpC 2726220 p.Phe10Val missense_variant 0.8
ahpC 2726515 p.Phe108Tyr missense_variant 0.24
folC 2747290 c.309A>C synonymous_variant 1.0
folC 2747519 p.Leu27Pro missense_variant 1.0
ald 3087228 p.Ala137Pro missense_variant 1.0
fbiA 3640396 c.-147T>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
fbiA 3640478 c.-65G>C upstream_gene_variant 0.8
fbiA 3641115 p.Glu191Asp missense_variant 1.0
rpoA 3878383 p.Leu42Pro missense_variant 0.92
clpC1 4039078 p.Lys543Glu missense_variant 1.0
clpC1 4039083 p.Asp541Val missense_variant 1.0
clpC1 4039916 c.789T>G synonymous_variant 0.93
embC 4241975 p.Gln705Lys missense_variant 0.36
embA 4243415 c.183T>G synonymous_variant 1.0
embA 4244520 p.Ala430Ser missense_variant 0.5
aftB 4267844 c.993C>G synonymous_variant 0.99
aftB 4268645 c.192G>T synonymous_variant 0.87
aftB 4268650 p.Trp63Gly missense_variant 0.98
ubiA 4269097 p.Ser246Tyr missense_variant 0.5
ubiA 4269758 p.Trp26Arg missense_variant 1.0
ubiA 4269883 c.-50T>G upstream_gene_variant 1.0
gid 4408101 c.102G>A synonymous_variant 1.0