TB-Profiler result

Run: ERR4820920


Run ID: ERR4820920

Sample name:

Date: 01-04-2023 16:57:31

Number of reads: 530991

Percentage reads mapped: 99.86

Strain: lineage4.9

Drug-resistance: Sensitive

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Drug resistance: This table reports drug-resistance associated mutations found in known resistance genes
Drug Resistance Supporting mutations
Lineage Table: The lineage is inferred by analysing lineage specific SNPs
Lineage Family Main Spoligotype RDs Frequency
lineage4 Euro-American LAM;T;S;X;H None 1.0
lineage4.9 Euro-American (H37Rv-like) T1 None 1.0
Drug resistance-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction Drugs
Non-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have not been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction
gyrB 6529 p.Lys430Asn missense_variant 0.15
mshA 575360 c.13C>A synonymous_variant 0.12
mmpL5 776599 p.Asp628Asn missense_variant 0.2
fbiC 1304936 p.Ala669Glu missense_variant 0.14
atpE 1461210 p.Thr56Ala missense_variant 0.18
rrs 1471659 n.-187C>T upstream_gene_variant 1.0
rrs 1471684 n.-162A>G upstream_gene_variant 0.12
fabG1 1673380 c.-60C>G upstream_gene_variant 0.14
rpsA 1833440 c.-102G>T upstream_gene_variant 0.11
ndh 2101775 p.Ser423Ile missense_variant 0.14
PPE35 2168042 c.2571G>T synonymous_variant 0.15
PPE35 2168728 p.Gly629Cys missense_variant 0.12
ahpC 2726234 p.Gln14His missense_variant 0.11
Rv2752c 3067151 c.-960A>G upstream_gene_variant 0.29
alr 3840897 p.Met175Lys missense_variant 0.13
rpoA 3877987 p.Val174Ala missense_variant 0.22
embB 4247046 c.537dupC frameshift_variant 0.18
embB 4247770 c.1257C>A synonymous_variant 0.22
ethR 4326808 c.-741G>C upstream_gene_variant 0.11