TB-Profiler result

Run: ERR551440


Run ID: ERR551440

Sample name:

Date: 02-08-2023 08:27:34

Number of reads: NA

Percentage reads mapped: NA

Strain: lineage4.9

Drug-resistance: Sensitive

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Drug resistance: This table reports drug-resistance associated mutations found in known resistance genes
Drug Resistance Supporting mutations
Lineage Table: The lineage is inferred by analysing lineage specific SNPs
Lineage Family Main Spoligotype RDs Frequency
lineage4.9 Euro-American (H37Rv-like) T1 None 0.81
Drug resistance-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction Drugs
Non-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have not been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction
gyrB 5072 c.-168G>T upstream_gene_variant 1.0
gyrB 6446 p.Ala403Ser missense_variant 1.0
gyrB 7121 p.Pro628Ser missense_variant 1.0
gyrA 7362 p.Glu21Gln missense_variant 1.0
gyrA 9143 c.1842T>C synonymous_variant 1.0
gyrA 9534 c.2238_2240delCGG disruptive_inframe_deletion 0.29
fgd1 491668 p.Lys296Glu missense_variant 1.0
fgd1 491742 c.960T>C synonymous_variant 1.0
rpoB 760748 c.942C>T synonymous_variant 1.0
rpoB 760752 p.Leu316Val missense_variant 1.0
rpoB 760969 p.Ser388Leu missense_variant 1.0
rpoB 761723 p.Glu639Asp missense_variant 1.0
rpoC 763031 c.-339T>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
mmpL5 776100 p.Thr794Ile missense_variant 1.0
mmpS5 779509 c.-604G>A upstream_gene_variant 0.2
rpsL 781395 c.-165T>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
fbiC 1302899 c.-32A>G upstream_gene_variant 1.0
Rv1258c 1406685 p.Val219Ala missense_variant 1.0
embR 1416633 p.Leu239Val missense_variant 1.0
atpE 1461251 c.207G>T synonymous_variant 1.0
rrs 1471659 n.-187C>T upstream_gene_variant 1.0
ndh 2102941 c.102G>A synonymous_variant 0.5
katG 2154724 p.Arg463Leu missense_variant 1.0
katG 2155503 c.609C>T synonymous_variant 1.0
PPE35 2167926 p.Leu896Ser missense_variant 1.0
Rv1979c 2222308 p.Asp286Gly missense_variant 1.0
Rv1979c 2223293 c.-129A>G upstream_gene_variant 1.0
kasA 2518132 c.18C>T synonymous_variant 1.0
thyA 3074371 p.Met34Lys missense_variant 0.4
ald 3086728 c.-92C>T upstream_gene_variant 1.0
ald 3086788 c.-32T>C upstream_gene_variant 1.0
ald 3087084 c.266delA frameshift_variant 1.0
fprA 3475159 p.Asn385Asp missense_variant 1.0
Rv3236c 3612800 p.Val106Ala missense_variant 1.0
alr 3840559 p.Arg288Ser missense_variant 1.0
alr 3840618 p.Asp268Gly missense_variant 1.0
embC 4241843 p.Leu661Ile missense_variant 1.0
embA 4244220 c.988C>T synonymous_variant 1.0
embB 4246864 c.351C>T synonymous_variant 1.0
aftB 4269351 c.-515C>T upstream_gene_variant 1.0
ubiA 4269387 p.Glu149Asp missense_variant 1.0
ethA 4326465 p.Ile337Val missense_variant 1.0
whiB6 4338595 c.-75delG upstream_gene_variant 1.0
gid 4407588 c.615A>G synonymous_variant 1.0