TB-Profiler result

Run: SRR5485614


Run ID: SRR5485614

Sample name:

Date: 18-08-2022 08:21:58

Number of reads: 77300

Percentage reads mapped: 99.17


Drug-resistance: RR-TB

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Drug resistance: This table reports drug-resistance associated mutations found in known resistance genes
Drug Resistance Supporting mutations
Lineage Table: The lineage is inferred by analysing lineage specific SNPs
Lineage Family Main Spoligotype RDs Frequency
Drug resistance-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction Drugs
rpoB 761139 p.His445Asp missense_variant 0.62 rifampicin
Non-Associated Mutations: This table reports mutations found in candidate resistance genes which have not been associated with drug resistance
Gene Chromosome position Mutation Type Estimated fraction
gyrA 6625 c.-677G>A upstream_gene_variant 0.17
rpoB 761096 c.1290G>C synonymous_variant 0.31
rpoB 761097 c.1291_1292delAGinsTC synonymous_variant 0.31
rpoB 761102 c.1296A>G synonymous_variant 0.31
rpoB 761132 c.1326G>T synonymous_variant 0.31
rpoB 761133 c.1327T>C synonymous_variant 0.31
rpoB 761150 c.1344A>C synonymous_variant 0.3
rpoB 761165 c.1359G>C synonymous_variant 0.3
rpoB 761180 c.1374A>C synonymous_variant 0.3
rpoB 761189 c.1383T>G synonymous_variant 0.3
rpoB 761196 c.1390C>T synonymous_variant 0.3
rpsL 781843 c.285delC frameshift_variant 0.15
rrs 1472313 n.469delA non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.17
rrs 1472493 n.648T>G non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 0.2
rrs 1473290 n.1445C>T non_coding_transcript_exon_variant 1.0
pncA 2289264 c.-23T>C upstream_gene_variant 0.18