EBG00000313339 - n.629C>T

Drug resistance types
3 Sensitive 1 RR-TB 1 HR-TB 1 MDR-TB 0 Pre-XDR-TB 0 XDR-TB 4 Other
lineage Counts
lineage Count
lineage2.2.1.1 3
lineage4.8 1
lineage2.2.1 3
lineage4.2;lineage4.9 1
lineage1.2.1.2 1
lineage4.2;lineage4.8.1;lineage4.9 1
spoligotype Counts
spoligotype Count
None 10
Geographic prevalence
Country level data for this variant is available for 0 isolates.
Statisctical support
Not enough data to calculate support.
ID Drug resistance Lineage Country iso2
SRR1181091 Other lineage2.2.1.1 None
ERR2516298 Sensitive lineage4.8 be
SRR1180147 Other lineage2.2.1.1 None
SRR1183144 Other lineage2.2.1 None
SRR1183106 RR-TB lineage2.2.1.1 None
SRR1180172 Other lineage2.2.1 None
SRR26937107 MDR-TB lineage2.2.1 None
ERR4828872 Sensitive lineage4.2;lineage4.9 None
SRR22250129 Sensitive lineage1.2.1.2 None
ERR294266 HR-TB lineage4.2;lineage4.8.1;lineage4.9 None